Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Self Growth - OK. Now I'm going to blow my own horn - at least a littlebit

Self Growth and Spiritual Growth

A short time ago I got off the phone with a client. She told me what follows and said I should write about it and so I am. There. That's my disclaimer in case you want to see me coming from my ego. (I'm kind of kidding. But really. So. She and I have been working together for about a year. She is stuck in her life for a couple of reasons: One, she experiences a lot of anxiety and has done so for many years. And, two, she needs to make this big decision and keeps vacillating.

What I finally saw about her self growth today and shared with her is this:
  • While we as a culture used to talk about "that's how my nervous system is" and feel stuck with it - stuck with the genetics of our screwed up parents or forefathers and stuck with our own proclivities to anxiety or whatever negative systems we experienced because of our "rotten" childhoods. But now comes the Age of Responsibility.  Many of us know and/or believe that we chose our childhoods and parents. And even if that's too hard to swallow for you, science has shown us that we can change the physiology of our own brains by turning our thoughts to more positive ones and creating new neural connections. This is self growth and spiritual growth.
  • And I shared that I am a living example of how this works. I was emotionally abused by my mother and sexually abused by my only loving parent, my father. So although I do believe I chose that childhood and those parents, I am not just a spiritual being. I am living a human experience. And in this experience I have choices. I have chosen to heal my emotional past. I have chosen to change my thoughts and beliefs.  I have chosen self growth. It has and does take effort. But the rewards are great.
What my client told me was that because I have done the work, share my experience and continue to exhibit the benefits of having done so, I help her know that she can do it too.

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