Drinking From An Empty Well
Dedicated to All Mothers Who Have Trouble Letting Go
I hate to let people go from my life - particularly ones who are fun, smart, emotionally connected and with whom the love flows back and forth. But sometimes people want to leave and I have to let them go.
Oh, I'll keep figuratively knocking on their door for awhile with email and phone messages but when I get no response over and over, what else can I do? I'll try to take it personally for a little while also. My mind will keep going 'round and 'round with "what did I do" or "what is about me they don't like".
But I recognize those old self-defeating tapes - the ones I used in the past to keep myself from having a fulfilling life. They aren't real. I know I didn't do anything to them and I am fine just the way I am.
I love them. I still miss them occasionally but my life has moved on too. And I meet the most amazing fabulous people almost every day of my life.
My trick for relieving myself of pain as soon as I can is to look for what's good about what's happening or how I can grow from it. How I can grow from letting people go is I can continue to feel a flow inside instead of tight spots that could blossom into physical pain or illness. If I continue to learn about letting go, I allow many new experiences into my life. Are you holding onto anyone or anything that wants to leave?
Oh we all experience this (us being mainly women. I hardly know a man who has such in depth feelings for dissecting why a friendship has broken down).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I have major hang ups about these kind of breakdowns (I think its the Aquarius in me) ..... I need a logical answer before I move on. So I spend days/weeks/months deliberating, dillying and dallying about it until it becomes just a moments thought rather than a days hang up with my chin resting on my hands.
Im finding these days to just let go. The hurt is still there but I have decided I need to make my head more clear to allow positivity to flow into its space.
I'm 37 years old, Im getting wiser but it doesn't mean I still don't hurt.
Love your thoughts by the way. You make my days seem clearer :)
I enjoyed this post Maia as I have found letting go of people who I have shared special times in my life can be painful. I cope by making up a story about why they won't return my calls or emails and unfortunately I start with questioning what I might have done wrong. I change the story and look at what they might have done that they don't want to own up to. Gradually I find a version that makes the most sense and keep that as my truth. I then settle into accepting that person is part of my past. I know I have changed a great deal over my life and some people have a hard time with some of my choices. Not everyone can accept my truths being told. www.questpublishing.ca