A few words about my fees and commitment. I've decided awhile back not to put fees on my site. It's so easy for your mind to think, "I can't afford that". Often it isn't about that. What it's really about is not being sure YOU are worth it - not whether life coaching is worth it. Anything that will move you forward and give you new tools to live a more effective life is worth it. But I now think part of why I didn't put my fees on my site was because I was scared someone wouldn't call. Now I know if it's meant to be, they will call and we will work out the fee part if it comes to that. S
Then there's commitment. I now require this commitment of new clients: they continue coaching until we both agree that they got what they came for which for me says they will be coaching with me for 8 months minimum because that is all I require and that is how long it takes to graduate from YOU University.
The way to find out if someone really has experience and is suitable to coach you is to take advantage of the usually offered sample session, look at their website and/or have an extensive conversation with them to determine not only their fit with you but their background in dealing with what you want to deal with.
As in most things in life, cheaper is most often not better. As a matter of fact, since life coaches are particularly interested in their own growth journey, it is often a sign of someone who has some self esteem issues themselves if the price is too low.
Because of my background and my ability to read energy and often emotional content like an emotional detective over the phone I was most recently able to decide not to use a very nice woman to help me with website design and branding. Here were my 4 red flags:
- Her price was very low (although I liked some of her sample designs).
- She has a full time job and only does this work part time.
- When I called her very enthusiastically, she didn't pick up on my "buying" signs.
- She was too understanding and nice. It didn't feel authentic.
- I like a bargain like anyone else but she was too willing to give her talent away.
- Anyone thriving in their branding business, would be making enough money to do what they loved all day. Branding is about how to market yourself - and she hadn't really figured out how to market herself, so how could she help me?
- Because of my "jump before I think" way of doing things sometimes, if she had really been tuned into me, she probably would have had me as a client right then and there because I hadn't thought through #1 and #2.
- She never really coached me which a strong coach would do even on the first call.
So can a new life coach get a start? Sure. They just have to have enough self esteem to be able to say, "I'm new at life coaching which is why I'm offering my services at a low rate but I have talent and I'll be able to help you in the following ways......."
So if you speak to a coach whose fees are low, now you know what you want to know about them.YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching
It really is a good idea to speak in some depth with a prospective coach to see that there is a good fit. This give a client an opportunity to assess if they feel that they can trust enough to explore what may be some less-than-comfortable challenges - and for the coach to assess if this is someone they are willing to commit to work with.
ReplyDeleteBoth the client and the coach need to see a reason to proceed to a coaching arrangement.
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