- If there is relationship trouble between the two of you and you can't sort it out with your partner or at least feel safe talking about what's going on with your partner, you have deeper issues underlying that problem. You have a basic flaw in the communication and trust areas of your relationship.
- One of our (my husband and I) secrets is: Make Your Commitment to the Power of the Relationship I suggest making that kind of commitment so that if there is a problem in the relationship, you will not feel like running out the door away from your partner to get away from the problem. Instead you will remember that the relationship is bigger than the both of you and you will at least both be willing to find a way to work it out.
- The second thing wrong with that relationship advice is that it assumes you can have only one best friend. Friends wear different hats. I might not talk to my single friends about a problem in my relationship, but I will talk it over with a friend who's relationship skills I respect.
Many people don’t have the someone else in their lives and when things are rocky in their relationships, they may feel like they have nowhere to turn.
If you do find yourself looking for some relationship advice, be very careful. It is easy to find relationship advice all over the place. Magazines, books, the internet and other complete strangers will freely give their advice about all sorts of relationship issues. During my first really bad marriage of 15 years, people asked me for advice all the time. Now I know that's just the kind of person I am and has nothing to do with my relationship understanding at the time. I shudder to think what I might have told anyone at that time.
And, unfortunately, not everyone has your best interests in mind. They are trying to sell their magazine or book or some may even be trying to push their organization. Many churches and political organizations may offer free counseling services for people but you must keep in mind that they have very specific ideas and motives and they may be trying to convince you that your relationship should be the way they feel it should be or it is wrong, while this may be very different from what you truly want out of your relationship.
If you decide to hire a life coach or a therapist, don't be intimidated by their expertise. You are hiring them and you have the right to interview them – even on the success of their own relationships. I would think it strange for someone to hire me as a coach to help with their relationships if my own marriage was a shambles.
YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching
Maia, This is so true. Over the years, in a number of relationships, I have wished for someone who could be my best friend, and my husband, and I finally have that. In the past, I was one to run away, and the men did, too. It seemed that once we left one another, there was no way to fix things. A void had been created, in the name of protecting my interests, or his, that could not be bridged. Before, I eventually felt safe enough to be myself but that meant being different from how I was in the beginning of the relationship - so the marriage didn't last. I vowed to be authentic from the beginning with my new partner, and after two and a half years, my love and I are married. I have my coaching relationship, which is more than just a professional association, but I also know that I am responsible for my own happiness, and that is where I focus my attention. In coaching, I am learning to take the chances that put me where I want and need to be in order to realize my highest good and best interests.
[…] If Your Partner Is Your Best Friend, Who Do You Turn to for Relationship Advice? […]