It has never seemed likely that USA life coaches will ever coach Chinese women unless it's related to athletics or achieving a gold medal for their country. But who knows? Things are changing there and we have really inexpensive long distance and even internet phoning.
Since much of coaching is uncovering what makes you happy and fulfilled, a likely question to look at is what makes a Chinese woman happy? Power, money, love, sex?
In fact, self fulfillment ranks the highest for more than 60 percent of the respondents in a recent survey conducted by the Yueji Self, a Chinese-language magazine jointly launched recently by the Chinese-language Women of China magazine and the New York-based magazine publisher Conde Nast Publications..
Self fulfillment is defined by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language as the fulfillment of oneself, the fulfillment of your capacities or the act of consummating something - a desire or promise, etc.
"The high marks for self fulfillment are inspiring and encouraging," Li Yinhe, a noted sexologist and professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said. "It shows big progress. More and more women want to achieve their life value, which eclipses the importance of the private life for women. "When women start to value self fulfillment, they become more equal to men."
"In China, the traditional mindset is that men live for their careers and women live for love. Although only about 22.5 percent surveyed prioritized love as the big happiness maker, it doesn't mean that Chinese women no longer believe in love," Li said.
"The awareness and recognition of women's empowerment are relatively low in China," Li said. "The country has long been a patriarchal society and still is, offering less opportunities and encouragement to women to compete with men. Despite the progress made in gender equality and women empowerment in recent years, only 20 percent of the National People's Congress (NPC) members are females," Li said.
Life coaches, can you imagine yourself coaching women half way around the world? What an exciting prospect!
Personal coaching is committed one-on-one teaching tailored specifically towards the clients most significant targets, interests, issues and needs. Coaching follows a traditional process but customized to each and every individual client. Because the coach is working one-on-one with the client, personal coaching sessions are additional committed and tailored for each client when compared to community coaching periods with numerous clients. An important principle in coaching is that clients are finally responsible for their actions and performing the jobs to attain the outcomes they need. The coach serves as a facilitator, supporter, or assistant, but doesn’t “do the work” for the client.