Benefits of Working with a Life Coach

If you are not happy with your life, get over your fears, your past, your self-doubt and CHANGE IT. The key is to sit down and figure out what exactly it is that you do want and what actions you need to take to change it. For most of us having that conversation alone in your head doesn't seem to work out very well. It's usually helpful and even necessary to have the help of a good friend or a life coach so that you will be honest and thorough with yourself.
Remember, what you think you want now will probably change many times throughout the course of your life. But all this change will help you find out how to deal with change.
Dealing with change begins with acceptance of the current situation. Work with a life coach or a therapist if you can't reach acceptance yourself. Since life brings constant change, the inner resources to deal with change need to be developed.
Daily start to look for what you have to be grateful for in your life instead of focusing on your struggle and negative mind chatter. The basis of an inability to deal with change is fear. Try to "be with" the situation and the feelings. Stop resisting. You know the old saw: What you resist, persists.
Know that the changes you are going through you have created in your life with the way you think and change your thinking to match your goals and soon change becomes fun and easy as the changes with which you are succeeding and following through on, will help you accomplish your goals. The Law of Attraction says "like attracts like". Prolonged focus on negative thoughts and feelings will attract more negative change into your life. It's time to turn 180o and pursue the exciting adventure that is your life.
YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching
Great post! Thanks!