Thursday, July 16, 2015

Life Is So Damn Much Life

I teach people how to get their emotions in order - what are they, how to get through the hard ones, how to get to the good ones and not have the hard ones always be in control. As a result their lives and their feelings about themselves change drastically and dramatically - all to the good.
So what happens to the teacher when she is having one of "those" days? Well, I'll tell you. I'm pissed off that things aren't how I want them to be. I can neither sit, stand, walk or lay down totally comfortably for very long - and it's been months - and it's really gotten to my head today. Not only that, the bank made a dumb error that I have to call them about and several other "first world" issues that I feel too embarrassed to publicly moan about. But Damn! Life is so hard sometimes.

And I don't even feel like being spiritual about it (but I will sneak in and say that Someone has played exactly the song I needed to hear this morning, the Beatles "Because" and put exactly the right book into my hands, Steve Jobs biography, and had me turn on a documentary about very emotional, very creative Isaac Mizrachi all of which reminded me that a) fame and success is no barrier to feeling upset, b) even people who have lots of emotional difficulties contribute greatly to the world and c) because the sky is blue it turns me on). But, as I said, I don't feel like being spiritual or grateful today. 

I just want to scream, complain and be downright annoying. I want to be a little baby again. Just like I was in the picture sometime in 1943.

I know tomorrow will be a better day and if I go clean my dumb kitchen, I'll feel better.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

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