Male or Female Life Coach?
So, you've already made the decision to get a life coach. Now you must choose one. In addition to all the important questions like their experience and how well you can communicate with them, you must also think about whether you would like a female or male coach. This very well could best be determined by figuring out exactly what you want to accomplish with your life coach.
If you have your own company that you are trying to grow or would like to get in line for the big promotion at work it may be better to go with a male life coach. A male life coach might tend to be more logical and less focused on the emotional aspects. (OK. I know this sounds old fashioned and non-feminist but I believe there are tendencies in males and females - and certainly exceptions. Viva la difference!)
Females tend to be more nurturing and emotional and therefore may be better suited to help in a situation where you are trying to improve your relationships or yourself. Of course, remember that this is not always the case and sometimes men relate better to women or the other way around. The best thing to do is interview a couple of each and determine who you connect the best with and who you feel most comfortable with.
I myself have never had a male coach. I don't have a big problem working on my goals or being logical but I sometimes want the support of someone with both high intuition and high emotional intelligence. Certainly that could be either a man or woman. It just hasn't happened for me to have a male life coach - yet.
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YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching