Friday, February 28, 2014

Life Coach - Again: More Will They Call?

So You Want to Be a Life Coach

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 3.07.02 PMI’m so glad I have a male in my life to remind me of the male way of doing things - or at least another way of doing things. About a week ago I had an email interaction with a man who said quite clearly that he wanted to hire me to be his coach. A couple of fruitful emails went back and forth over the day. And then nothing. I’m better about accepting the situation but because his comments were so clearly wanting me as his life coach, I didn’t know what to do. What if he didn’t read his email? What if something was wrong in his family?

Fortunately before I formulated a full thought about taking a further action like calling him (we’ve never spoken on the phone - only in person once and email) I asked my husband what to do. He said, “He knows you’re there.”

“Well, Maia, of course he does”, I told myself. And it felt so relieving to leave it alone. And the next day I heard from him and he wrote he had to think about it all.

I know not all women act intuitively and quickly but I tend to. Nice to be reminded everyone isn’t like me.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How Much Agenda Should Life Coaches Have Anyway? NO AGNDA

Just before I went to sleep the other night, I realized I wanted to write about a life coach’s agenda so I wrote a note on the pad I keep by my bed. Then yesterday as I was running around town doing errands, a car pulled in front of me and it’s license plate was: NO AGNDA. Too synchronistic to ignore.
When I went to coaches’ training, I was told that an excellent life coach would have no agenda. That is probably true in a perfect world. It is also true that human beings are almost not capable of having no agenda while loving. That means we have no expectations of our clients. And that isn’t true.

We expect them to:

  • call in on time

  • pay us in a timely manner

  • bring their issues and accomplishments to the call

  • have a quiet space in which to have our meeting

  • have done their assignments or bring up what stopped them

  • share their failures

  • share their successes

So, of course, we have agendas for our clients. But maybe they were only talking about personal agendas like “I think you should be a motivational coach” or a “leader of industry” or a “better employee” or …or...
Should is the scary word here. It is not our job as coaches to should anyone into anything. Everyone has had enough of that in their lives from parents,  teachers ,  religious  leaders and well-meaning others.

So NOAGNDA is an ideal to be striven for. It requires the  motivational coach to be more and more aware of their own process and the words and feelings behind the words as they speak to their client.  It  also  takes  careful  listening  to the client. I often hear myself saying things like, “I’m not necessarily right”; “you know if this is true better than I can”; "only you live inside you” and things like that to ensure that the power remains where I always say it is, in the coaching relationship we have. And ultimately,  the  power lies  in  the client  and  their want  for change.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

If the Law of Attraction Works, What Does Terrorist Fear Create?

What Are You Attracting?

fear The Law of Attraction is active in everyone's life whether you're aware of it or not. The Law of Attraction states that you attract what you think, what you feel and what you are. It's simple yet thought provoking.

If you have had a lot of negative stuff happen in your life, it could be the result of negative thoughts and feelings - conscious or unconscious. However, if you have had a lot of positive things happen in your, it's probably because you have had a positive mind set and have done things that have attracted positive results.

Fear is a negative mindset and creates a negative vibration. If many people are afraid of terrorists, which is a normal reaction, then what will happen? Will we create more of what we don't want? If many people are afraid of not having money, what will we all create?

That's why I don't watch the news. The media has advertisers. Those advertising companies want to sell their products. They sell their products by bombarding you with advertising. One of the ways they get you to keep looking at their ads is to use your human addiction to certain feelings.

It has been proven that we are addicted to fear so if they keep showing you killings, rapes, terrorists, failing money markets, your unconscious addiction to the feelings that those shows generate, keeps bringing you back to the news. It's not news you are seeing. It's the fruits of the general fear watching those things engenders.

There are presently very widespread experiments going on investigating just how this all works. Look at