Friday, July 31, 2015

Hire a Life Coach to Help Clarify Career Goals

You Can Do Work You Love

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 2.32.18 PMA life coach works with you to examine and clarify your needs, values and beliefs and develop the goals that help you grow. One of the most important things that a life coach can help you do is to clarify your career goals to determine if you are on the right track or you need to make some changes. Once you have accomplished this, the life coach can help you set up a specific plan that will take you right to the finish line.
A life coach can make this process much easier and much faster. A coach will help you take an objective look at where you are compared to where you want to be in your career and help you realize talents and skills that you may not even know that you have or thought could be a help to you in your career. With a coach working with you on your career plan, you will always have someone to support you and motivate you to keep going when you feel like giving up.
You may do this with a career coach or a life coach who understands the needs of someone creating a career plan. If self esteem and lack of belief in yourself is a factor, your coach can help you there too.
Since what a coach excels at doing is very individual, you can discover how to get your needs met in your communications with potential coaches before you might hire them.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Letting Go of Clients Is Like Letting Go of Butterflies

Life Is a School

I fully subscribe to the concept that Life Is a School and so the events of my life often take on powerful meaning and personal growth. They serve as signposts along my life's journey. On Election Day one of those significant events occurred. (If you want to read about it, click here .) The long and short of it is that we ended up with 7 year newer, better car, a car payment and a new source of revenue - a new client.

Which brings me to the new client. We are such an amazing energy match! She is my perfect client: aware, spiritually-oriented, bright, creative and has a somewhat limited view of how truly fabulous she is. I love our conversations and know our work together will bring us both to new heights.

As often happens in the beginning of a gigantic personal growth journey, something very big happens in your life - most often a truly important outer experience reflecting your inner resistance. My car incident could easily be categorized as an example of that. Well, my new client ended up with a very big experience of food poisoning.** It had her being taken back and forth to the hospital and experiencing gigantic pain and scary pre-diagnoses prior to the doctors figuring out what was really going on physically.

All of this threw her into big turmoil and apprehension and she put our coaching on hold.

Switch to me now and think about my experience of all this. Of course I feel real concern for her physical condition - and then there's that other niggley little thought, "what if she changes her mind and I don't have this source of income?" Now I know who that voice belongs to. It's the voice of my ego in it's incarnation as a worried mom. I know that is the voice of no trust, fear and not-enough. From  my  own  personal  growth, I know to ignore that voice and not let it take over. But it did not fully heed my snub. While sitting on the couch minding my business, it snuck right in and started shouting!

I   had  to  use the tools that I  have taught to  my  clients in  their own personal growth.  It was the mentality  of "Life is a  School" that put my energy  and feelings  into a more positive place.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why Do I Need a Professional Life Coach?

Has Life Gotten in Your Way?

personal-life-coachingIf you're one of those people who's somehow always on top of your goals, you probably don't need a professional life coach. However, if you're like most of us, life tends to get in the way of achieving those long term life goals. Work, the kids, chores, TV, family time, gardening, chores all help distract us from our dreams and long term goals. And then there's that really subtle bug-a-boo - the one that makes us think we can't have what we want or accomplish what we want.

How would it be to have someone focused just on you and your goals? You are the star! If you think it would be wonderful, you'd probably do great with a professional life coach. Coaches focus 100% on you achieving your chosen future goals.  A professional life coach will concentrate on you -actually helping you figure out your goals and how to execute what you want to achieve. The result may be that you get what you want and then learn to enjoy having what you wanted in your life.

Each individual professional life coach has their own particular something special to add to the mix. It might be their extraordinary intuition. Or their gentle holding up the mirror of truth for you so you don't go into denial. Or their vast experience in the business world.

Whatever you are looking for in support and wonderful help, a professional life coach could be just the ticket.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

Friday, July 24, 2015

New Relationship Advice

newrelationshipWhat qualifies me to hand out new relationship advice? Well, I tried it the “old way” twice and it ended in divorce both times. So I figured I better learn and do something differently then I did before if I was ever going to have a relationship that worked.

So the questions became for me:
  • “What wasn’t working?”
  • “What should I do differently then I was doing before?”
  • And “How do I do it differently?”
Of course, I didn’t know I was asking those questions consciously but I was asking and searching – as you are – to get some new relationship advice.

My previous teachers were my parents. Their relationship sucked. Very unconsciously I married at 22. Basically I knew nothing about how to succeed in a relationship. I just knew I didn't want theirs.

I’ve been asked recently if one person can work on a relationship and expect improvement. It depends on many things.
  • How bad is it?
  • Did you get into this relationship because you desperately needed to be in a relationship?
  • Did he?
  • Is their basic love and respect back and forth to each other?
I did not understand that I needed to communicate how I felt or it would grow into bigger and bigger unmanageable resentment and lower self esteem than I already came to the relationship with.

New Relationship Advice:
  • Find out how to communicate effectively. Go to a marriage counselor or search online or let me teach you but find out how to do it without blame so  you’ll be heard.
I knew nothing about a partnership where both parties honored what the other wanted and who they were. Now I know that in 2014 in the Western world (and maybe everywhere), partnership is what it’s about. We each bring some special things to a relationship and we need help with other things. Who is better to be your partner than someone who loves you and wants the best for you?

New Relationship Advice:
  • Learn how valuable you are as a person and that your wants and needs matter. Do not think that “7 Steps to Good Self-Esteem” is going to solve your self image and self esteem issues - the issues that keep you making poor choices for potential partners.
I have spent the last 30 years figuring out how to do that for myself and what I’ve learned works quite well. It does work and has taken work but I am worth it – and so are you. I came into my relationships with a past. It needed to be worked on and healed. So does yours.

I didn’t know that defending myself was not how to be understood by another. It just put up a wall – of fear, of feeling misunderstood, of disconnection and fueled by deep shame. Nothing good came out of that for me. Now I know that I can trust the feedback from my partner of where I fell short somehow because I want to hear. I want to improve. And so does my partner.

New Relationship Advice:
  • If you don’t value yourself, how can you expect anyone else to do so? The core of a good relationship is the coming together of two people who value themselves and are open to growing along with each other.
I didn’t even know that any relationship advice existed. Now, in the age of the internet, advice abounds but you wisely chose to look for “new relationship advice” and you got it. Hope it leads you into a new relationship with yourself and with anyone you choose to partner with.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Thursday, July 23, 2015

WHY HURT? - Expressing Emotional Pain

Expressing Your Emotional Pain

Are you afraid of your feelings?

whyhurtYou could have looked at this subtitle and thought one of two things:  "What's the big deal? We all know how to deal with our feelings" or "Yes. I think my feelings are too big or too many or too scary". For those with the second comment: sometimes when we find a challenge, like in addressing our emotional pain, their are benefits. Only, if we look.

I don't know what it's like in other states on other freeways but you've probably heard we have lots of traffic here in L.A.

Well, I'm scared of driving on the freeway and so  I usually don't unless someone else is driving. A couple of weeks ago my husband was driving in pretty heavy weekend traffic going south on the 405. Sometimes when we drive we chat about this and that (in between grousing about the traffic and drivers). This day we were chatting about how lucky we are to have been trained how to deal with our feelings and emotional pain when along comes a license plate saying WHY HURT.

WHY HURT  can mean more than one thing. It can mean:
  • First- "You don't have to hurt" and I agree with that. We can make a choice. Unfortunately, many think they can't, but still, WHY HURT?
  • Second (this is the reason it struck me so) - A reason to feel  hurt (if you are really in touch with your feelings and know how to let them flow as they were meant to) could mean you are on your way to healing your emotional pain. HURT is milder than ANGER, on it's way to having one know their FEARs and a bit closer to LOVE and FORGIVENESS.
So I ask you: "Why hurt?" you are so close to being in a place of love and forgiveness. Why not learn and move on and become that much closer with yourself?   In the pursuit of not feeling our feelings, at the very least we become disconnected from ourselves and have problems relating to others deeply and well.

Why hurt?

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Healthy Relationships – The Coming and the Going

Healthy Relationships

It is a scientific fact that healthy relationships make us healthier and happier. And this includes all different types of healthy relationships - friends, family, partners and colleagues. All different types of relationships but bottom line - no matter what type of relationships you have, when it's healthy, so are you. The healthier they are, the happier you will be and the less stress you will have in your life.

Anyone whose ever been in any kind of  relationship knows there are sometimes (or often) challenges. You might get disappointed by the other but by accepting the people that we love for who they are and not expecting them to change for you, you have a good start towards having healthy relationships in your life.

Take the time to really talk to the people in your life and actually listen to what they are saying – you know, communication - a key factor in maintaining healthy relationships with anyone.

In recent years my disappointments in relationships have been about certain people disappearing from my life. I've kind of been mourning the loss of a couple of people from my life recently and lo and behold! – I was sent this reminder by one of my clients:

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and put w hat you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

Yesterday I was talking to my husband about my feelings of loss and not understanding why these people left our lives and he said he's given this a lot of thought and this is what he concluded: friends have a certain give and take. When the give and take no longer works for one, they usually disappear. They don't always disappear forever. They may come back into your life when they see they can get what they are looking for again. Depending on interpretation of these words, that can sound very cold but, on the other hand, it takes the pain and judgment out of it. It requires a very wide perspective to be able to see that.

Remember that everything and everyone changes and although that may be scary, it doesn’t mean that it is a bad thing. Be sure to make plenty of time for yourself and take care of yourself especially because if you have been putting someone else’s needs ahead of your own. Eventually, this will become a habit until you begin to resent the other person even though you are choosing to put their needs ahead of yours. They aren't choosing it for you. Preferably do not focus your life on just one person rather than yourself and the other people in your life.

Keep your own identity as long as it is not at someone else’s expense.
Another important factor in healthy relationships is following through when you tell someone you will do something. It is crucial to the trust in relationships to do what you say you are going to do or don’t say that you will do it to begin with.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

Monday, July 20, 2015

What Are My Barriers to Personal Growth and Development?

I believe that my denial or reluctance about personal growth and development affects the balance of what I attract into my life, affects my mindset and the progress of me as a continually developing person.  If I don’t acknowledge my barriers to personal growth, I will be in terrible discomfort.

Can a friend relationship be one of my barriers to personal growth?

Here’s an example from my life: Over my lifetime in the past, I have formed powerful relationships with certain women to whom I willingly gave my power or, if I didn’t give my power away exactly, I denied the truth of some clear and subtle aspects of the relationship. I thought I was done doing that.

But several weeks ago I realized that a relationship I’ve had for 15 years had many aspects OUT OF BALANCE and I had indications and feelings for years.

For example:
  • Almost all of the emotional support was going in one direction – from me to her – and had been for years
  • I felt like it was an obligation to give her time and she felt like it was an obligation to give me time
  • Truth be told, I no longer feel proud to call her my friend as she lives her life in ways I do not feel good about – let’s call it stagnated personal growth and development.
I could tell you stories that support the above but those stories would cloud the truth. The truth I had to be willing to allow myself to know was it was time to let this relationship go. I have done that. It was hard. I don’t like to think of myself as not loyal or a rejecting sort of person but for my own personal growth and development as a human being on Planet Earth for a fleeting lifetime, I did it. I hope it somehow has a positive effect on her but I did this for me.

I feel the peace of growth and the positive “backlash” of balance I’ve achieved.
Anything niggling at you? Take a look at your barriers to your own personal growth.

Now that you've finished reading, I have one thing left I'd like you to do.

Friday, July 17, 2015

If Your Partner Is Your Best Friend, Who Do You Turn to for Relationship Advice?

love-is-friendship-set-on-fire-relationship-lofe-advice-picture-image-quote-emotionRelationships are hard work and come with a lot of questions and uncertainties – hence the title. Some people warn women not to make their partner their best friend because then they have no one to talk to if they are having relationship trouble. Now what's wrong with that relationship advice? Seems to make sense on the surface but here are the fallacies:
  • If there is relationship trouble between the two of you and you can't sort it out with your partner or at least feel safe talking about what's going on with your partner, you have deeper issues underlying that problem. You have a basic flaw in the communication and trust areas of your relationship.
  • One of our (my husband and I) secrets is: Make Your Commitment to the Power of the Relationship I suggest making that kind of commitment so that if there is a problem in the relationship, you will not feel like running out the door away from your partner to get away from the problem. Instead you will remember that the relationship is bigger than the both of you and you will at least both be willing to find a way to work it out.

  • The second thing wrong with that relationship advice is that it assumes you can have only one best friend. Friends wear different hats. I might not talk to my single friends about a problem in my relationship, but I will talk it over with a friend who's relationship skills I respect.
Many people don’t have the someone else in their lives and when things are rocky in their relationships, they may feel like they have nowhere to turn.
If you do find yourself looking for some relationship advice, be very careful. It is easy to find relationship advice all over the place. Magazines, books, the internet and other complete strangers will freely give their advice about all sorts of relationship issues. During my first really bad marriage of 15 years, people asked me for advice all the time. Now I know that's just the kind of person I am and has nothing to do with my relationship understanding at the time. I shudder to think what I might have told anyone at that time.

And, unfortunately, not everyone has your best interests in mind. They are trying to sell their magazine or book or some may even be trying to push their organization. Many churches and political organizations may offer free counseling services for people but you must keep in mind that they have very specific ideas and motives and they may be trying to convince you that your relationship should be the way they feel it should be or it is wrong, while this may be very different from what you truly want out of your relationship.

If you decide to hire a life coach or a therapist, don't be intimidated by their expertise. You are hiring them and you have the right to interview them – even on the success of their own relationships. I would think it strange for someone to hire me as a coach to help with their relationships if my own marriage was a shambles.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Life Is So Damn Much Life

I teach people how to get their emotions in order - what are they, how to get through the hard ones, how to get to the good ones and not have the hard ones always be in control. As a result their lives and their feelings about themselves change drastically and dramatically - all to the good.
So what happens to the teacher when she is having one of "those" days? Well, I'll tell you. I'm pissed off that things aren't how I want them to be. I can neither sit, stand, walk or lay down totally comfortably for very long - and it's been months - and it's really gotten to my head today. Not only that, the bank made a dumb error that I have to call them about and several other "first world" issues that I feel too embarrassed to publicly moan about. But Damn! Life is so hard sometimes.

And I don't even feel like being spiritual about it (but I will sneak in and say that Someone has played exactly the song I needed to hear this morning, the Beatles "Because" and put exactly the right book into my hands, Steve Jobs biography, and had me turn on a documentary about very emotional, very creative Isaac Mizrachi all of which reminded me that a) fame and success is no barrier to feeling upset, b) even people who have lots of emotional difficulties contribute greatly to the world and c) because the sky is blue it turns me on). But, as I said, I don't feel like being spiritual or grateful today. 

I just want to scream, complain and be downright annoying. I want to be a little baby again. Just like I was in the picture sometime in 1943.

I know tomorrow will be a better day and if I go clean my dumb kitchen, I'll feel better.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Will Life Coaches in USA Be Coaching Women in China for SelfFulfillment?

It has never seemed likely that USA life coaches will ever coach Chinese women unless it's related to athletics or achieving a gold medal for their country. But who knows? Things are changing there and we have really inexpensive long distance and even internet phoning.

Since much of coaching is uncovering what makes you happy and fulfilled, a likely question to look at is what makes a Chinese woman happy? Power, money, love, sex?

In fact, self fulfillment ranks the highest for more than 60 percent of the respondents in a recent survey conducted by the Yueji Self, a Chinese-language magazine jointly launched recently by the Chinese-language Women of China magazine and the New York-based magazine publisher Conde Nast Publications..

Self fulfillment is defined by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language as the fulfillment of oneself, the fulfillment of your capacities or the act of consummating something - a desire or promise, etc.

"The high marks for self fulfillment are inspiring and encouraging," Li Yinhe, a noted sexologist and professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said. "It shows big progress. More and more women want to achieve their life value, which eclipses the importance of the private life for women. "When women start to value self fulfillment, they become more equal to men."

"In China, the traditional mindset is that men live for their careers and women live for love. Although only about 22.5 percent surveyed prioritized love as the big happiness maker, it doesn't mean that Chinese women no longer believe in love," Li said.

"The awareness and recognition of women's empowerment are relatively low in China," Li said. "The country has long been a patriarchal society and still is, offering less opportunities and encouragement to women to compete with men. Despite the progress made in gender equality and women empowerment in recent years, only 20 percent of the National People's Congress (NPC) members are females," Li said.

Life coaches, can you imagine yourself coaching women half way around the world? What an exciting prospect!

Monday, July 13, 2015

What Is Spiritual Growth?

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 4.12.04 PMIt has taken me years of learning and self awareness to be at the place of spiritual growth that I am at today. So, what is spiritual growth?

I'm just becoming aware, maybe at a deeper level than I have been before, the pitfalls of what is often called a spiritual bypass. Spiritual bypass- the desire to go directly to spiritual feelings, explanations and thoughts without experiencing the feelings in between.  (Much prettier and less messy - like the picture to the left. It's even decorated with a flower.)

Here are some examples of how we do it to ourselves:
  • We are so scared of feelings, we use something to keep us from having them. It might be a substance or might be just a way of clenching down and keeping them out.
  • We decide we are so healed and have done so much work on ourselves and our past, we don't need to go there any more.
  • Since we didn't have a very rough past, we think we aren't like those others who did and we don't really have any feelings much to deal with

I think that about covers it. (You know who you are.)

Anyway, that being said, I'm going to copy what I wrote just a bit ago:

"Nobody wants to let me talk about my fears of death or let me muddle my way into acceptance. I just looked up throat in Louise Hay. It says, 'avenue of expression. Channel of creativity.' So that's why my throat hurts and I feel like I've lost my creativity like a little cat who might be in the house somewhere under a bed hiding but also might be gone - even dead. So I've been enjoying editing what I've already written and being amazed that I wrote what I wrote and expressed it so well. Maybe this fear is what is holding back my flow. Not the fear so much, but the lack of expressing it. It feels like my faucet is almost closed.

So here goes:

I am afraid of dying. What if it hurts? What if there is nothing after? What if I'm not really spiritual, just afraid of dying? What if Bart's cold body is in our bed? Who would I call? What would I say? How would I call Anna? What if I become too needy and my kids don't want to be bothered? What if the pain of Bart's dying is so sharp it ruins me? What if death disrupts my life? What if he gets sick and can't work or is non-functioning? What if I do? What will happen? I feel like I'm up against a wall of water like the parting of the Red Sea and I'm running out of the steam to keep it at bay - my positive grateful attitude is wearing thin - gratitude with feeling is hard to find. Denial is gone. Mortality is here. I can't keep walking around it like the elephant in the living room. It's bigger. More unknown. Surprising. Maybe evil. Everyone who has died in my life seemed magically gone. I insulated myself from their pain or I rode or floated on top of it. I can't do that any more. I've never really felt grief and it scares me.

I want to feel up to facing whatever is and face it dead-on, face to face. I don't want to lose my highs and lows and yet I want to stay in a positive  place. Have I confused something here? Am I trying to give myself a spiritual bypass? Have Bart and I colluded in shutting out my feelings? We don't like anger. He doesn't like mine. I don't like his. Have we overdone it? I want to fully live the human experience. Feelings are part of it. The only way is through - not around. I feel so much better."

Everyone has a different way to grow spiritually. It is affected by so many aspects of life that it is ever changing from person to person.

What is spiritual growth for you?

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Friday, July 10, 2015

What Is a Spiritual Life Coach?

Personal Spiritual Life Coach

spiritual coachingIt's not about religion. I don't care what religion you do or do not belong to. It is about that invisible power that makes you alive - your spirit. So a spiritual life coach is very tuned into your being-ness. As a spiritual life coach myself, I have literally developed my intuition so well that I often know things about you that you don't have clarity on yourself.

The question may arise for you, "How can she really know me if we don't sit in the same room?" I will respond that coaching over the phone has refined my ability to zero in on my clients. My already fine-tuned intuition and sixth sense has become even more finely tuned with all the years of phone coaching. There is a focus and stillness in the connection via phone lines. There is much research that proves our ability to effect others at a distance.

That's what having a personal spiritual life coach is all about - spiritual and personal growth. Personal spiritual growth might be called spiritual fulfillment or spiritual growth. Unless you are talking about technical courses to learn computer or programming skills or business management or any other hands-on kind of skill - all of which is quite useful - you are probably talking about growing yourself as a person.

And that would mean your spirit - your something that makes you a human - has been made to be able to handle life in a more functional manner.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Scariest Word in the English Language: CHANGE!

Benefits of Working with a Life Coach

changeAlthough dealing with change in our lives is not easy, it is necessary and there is no getting around it.  Your life will change all the time in hundreds of different ways and the only thing that you can control is how you handle the changes.

If you are not happy with your life, get over your fears, your past, your self-doubt and CHANGE IT.  The key is to sit down and figure out what exactly it is that you do want and what actions you need to take to change it.  For most of us having that conversation alone in your head doesn't seem to work out very well. It's usually helpful and even necessary to have the help of a good friend or a life coach so that you will be honest and thorough with yourself.

Remember, what you think you want now will probably change many times throughout the course of your life. But all this change will help you find out how to deal with change.

Dealing with change begins with acceptance of the current situation. Work with a life coach or a therapist if you can't reach acceptance yourself. Since life brings constant change, the inner resources to deal with change need to be developed.

Daily start to look for what you have to be grateful for in your life instead of focusing on your struggle and negative mind chatter. The basis of an inability to deal with change is fear. Try to "be with" the situation and the feelings. Stop resisting. You know the old saw: What you resist, persists.

Know that the changes you are going through you have created in your life with the way you think and change your thinking to match your goals and soon change becomes fun and easy as the changes with which you are succeeding and following through on, will help you accomplish your goals. The Law of Attraction says "like attracts like". Prolonged focus on negative thoughts and feelings will attract more negative change into your life. It's time to turn 180o and pursue the exciting adventure that is your life.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What did you learn from it?

intuition-700x511I was going for a walk the other day and noticed I was asking myself why I created a really difficult old friend visiting the previous weekend. These days, it isn’t surprising to you when someone asks, “Why did you create that?”

 It’s not a bad or wrong question but there’s always been something about the question that bothered me a bit. Now I know what it is. Implied in that little question is “you dope”. It’s kind of saying, “That was a really lame and hard thing you created for yourself, you dope. Why’d you do that?”

Then I realized I didn’t care very much why I had created the situation but what I did care about was what I could learn for the future from the experience. Maybe it was a little dopey of me to expect someone I had been friends with over 40 years ago to be a person I would necessarily enjoy spending a weekend with at this time of my life.

So what I learned from the situation is:
1. Just because I might have agreed a couple of months ago to do something I didn’t really want to do now, I could have changed my mind.
2. To really trust my intuition about situations with people. I have an intuitive gift about people and situations. Use it. Follow it.

3. If I don’t do #1 and #2, forgive myself and move on.
So next time you hear yourself ask, “Why did I create that?” remember that only if the answer will positively change your future behavior, i.e. you learn something from it, is it a valid and self-empowering question.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

Monday, July 6, 2015

6 Reasons to Hire a Life Coach

moseslifecoachThere are many reasons that having a life coach is a beneficial thing. It brings an objective voice to your life that has (hopefully – see NOAGNDA ) no other agenda to follow other than to help you find and achieve what you want in your life.

Friends and family can be great support but they don’t always agree with what you actually want and may feel that they know what would be best for you and make you happy. A coach (again, hopefully) will never do this.
  • A life coach can help you pull your life out of a rut that you may be stuck in. You may find yourself bored and not enjoying your life or your work anymore. A life coach can help you figure out why and how to fix it.
  • Another way a life coach can help you is by helping to organize your goals so that you can actually get what you want and not just dream about it. Many people seem to have lost their vision in life and feel like they have no purpose.
  • Life coaching can help pull your purpose back out of you and get you back on track.
  • Many people turn to a life coach during big transitions in their life such as retirement, job change or divorce. Coaches often have or create in the moment tools to help you keep your coaching-acquired skills as you leave your coaching experience and continue on with your life.
  • People looking for more passion or value in their life may turn to a coach to help explore why these things are missing in your life.
  • Another reason someone may turn to a life coach is if they have been engaging in destructive behaviors , a coach may be able to help them figure out why and make some changes.
YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Friday, July 3, 2015

Life Coaching - Commiting Yourself Before You Begin

Life Coaching - Commit Before You Jump

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 6.31.42 AMBefore you spend your hard earned money on life coaching, make sure that you think very carefully about it. Coaching is an investment. It can be expensive and if you are going to spend your money on it, be ready to make the investment of your time and energy into it. A life coach can only do their part to help you find your own answers and help you come up with the actions necessary to reach your goals.
  • You have to answer the questions.
  • You have to work on goal  setting.
A coach can only give the tools to work with; you have to do the work on your own and if you are not going to follow through and do it, then coaching is a waste of your time and money. Don't fool yourself. You will only end up feeling badly about yourself and probably feel badly about life coaching as a profession. You will think, "It didn't work." I used to be in 12-Step programs where they often said, "It works if you work it". The same is true for coaching.

And, if you are going to make the investment, it is worth your time to research coaches. Find a life coach that you are comfortable with and that you will open up and be honest with. A coach can't help you if you aren't honest with them about what your goals are and what you are hoping to accomplish - and most importantly who you really are. And if you are unsure of that, the right life coach can help you uncover your Real Self. Life coaching is a wonderful way to continue your life journey - with a partner.

You University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

What Is Life Coaching?

Everybody's talking about it.

Wikipedia says: Coaching is a method of directing, instructing and training a person or group of people, with the aim to achieve some goal or develop specific skills. There are many ways to coach, types of coaching and methods to coaching. Direction may include motivational speaking. Training may include seminars, workshops, and supervised practice. Craig Miller, a former counselor turned business coach, says he thinks of therapy as taking a person in the present backwards to learn what has been holding them back and then helping them back to neutral. While he sees life coaching as helping people go from neutral on into their future.

I see life coaching as very individual to each and every coach. It is an alliance - a partnership whereby the life coach acts as guide, support, objective observer, listener between the lines of their client in order to help that client achieve what they want to achieve in their life.

They may want to boost self esteem or build self confidence. They may be looking for a career coach or support while changing jobs or starting a business. They may want to deal with their procrastination problems that keep them from building their business. They may have relationship issues where they want to work on a relationship, leave a relationship, get back into a dating life after a divorce. They may want support as a new parent or help in parenting a teen. They may want support for blended family or step-parenting issues. They may want a kind of adult re-parenting themselves. They may want to lose weight or improve their body image. And the list goes one.

From my perspective everything a person wants to do in their life can be accomplished once they uncover what is blocking them. What is most often blocking them started when they were children and two things happened:
  • for some reason their feelings were not heard and honored
  • as a result, they formulated mistaken ideas and beliefs about who and what they are and their worthiness
Our solution is to have people attend YOU University which is done with a coach.

Now that you're done, I have one thing left I'd like you to do.