Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Is Life Coaching a Good Second Career?

Is Being a Life Coach for You?

life-coachAs people live longer, their life vision tends to be larger. Some people want to go back to school and then have a second or third career. My husband, at age 70, began his 5th career - this time as a high school Physics teacher.

As a life coach you not only have the ability to help people change their lives, you also get to share your expertise and knowledge and pass it onto others. So, if, for example, you worked many years in a corporate environment, you might quite naturally begin to coach people who are currently in a corporate environment themselves on issues they run across. You have been there and done that.

Many people have lead fast track careers that have taken them up the corporate ladder and around the world. Others have built successful businesses from the ground up. Still other have transformed lives that began in highly dysfunctional families. They then transformed the lives of their families and their own into something magnificent based on the learning and healing those early lives led to. These experiences and others can create a basis for a rewarding second career of life coaching. To get more information, contact me at 310-264-5625 Pacific time 9am to 2pm or email me at maiaberens@youuniversityonline.com.

Monday, July 28, 2014

How a Coach Can Help You to Build a Sense of Trust

Trust Builds One Little Notch at a Time

trustEach time you tell a person how you feel and they don't reject your for it, trust builds. Not only that - you will have a relationship based on who you authentically are. No mask to come off later and disappoint the other person because they thought you were someone else - the one with the mask.

Anyone who is attracted to reading something called  How a coach can help you to build a sense of trust most likely has some trust issues. Those issues impact us in many ways. Following are some examples:

Personal relationships - "What if I'm myself and you leave me?" That is often the basic reason people get into poor relationships in the first place. They ignore their own inner knowledge of themselves by acting how they think the other wants them to act.

Work relationships - "Can I really allow myself to trust anyone who I don't know well or in a job situation?"  They don't trust people to be supportive and authentic.

Making decisions - "I'm really not sure what to do." They have a hard time because they don't trust themselves.

How can a life coach help you with these difficult situations?

When you talk to someone weekly who always supports your agenda, tells you the way they see things in your life quite openly and who has an attitude that your answers are in you, you begin to trust that person.

When that life coach also keeps pointing out the ways your attitudes and emotional responses are right, you begin to trust that person more. And you begin to trust yourself more.

As you experience success after success in support of yourself, you eventually become a trusting person because you know you have the information inside you that will steer you where you want to go in your life. You will know if a person is trustworthy in your personal and work relationships and you will trust yourself to make decisions.

That is one of the things an experience of life coaching can provide you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Law of Attraction - Goethe Knew the Secret

Radical Self Acceptance/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching


Begin It Now!

I've been dabbling around in personal and spiritual growth for around 35 years - a long time. I've learned a lot and seen trends and think, sometimes, that something was gimmicky or flat and then, all of a sudden I awake! It really isn't just a saying. It's the truth. Below is a quote from Goethe which I had learned when I started working for a "New Age" sales manager in 1986. At the time I was just attracted to the novelty of  spiritual realization and had not really made a commitment to my spiritual growth.  The quote:

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.


commitAll of a sudden the other day part of the quote popped into my head, "Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." In a nutshell, that is the Law of Attraction. If you can see it or dream it, you will attract it - the power and the magic. The only caveat is you REALLY have to believe it. And for me and most others, it is a gradual process - not an overnight event. The step you must take is to commit. It is the difference between thinking of something and doing.  It could take time but the main step is commitment.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Is it SEX or is it INTIMACY? The View from Mars

by Maia's Martian

Yesterday evening Maia and I were talking  and she brought up the topic about how having sex too soon (whatever that means) in a new relationship sometimes seems to confuse things for women and not always in a good way.

Because I am wired and socialized as a Martian my first impulse was to think “the more sex the better and the sooner the better, what’s wrong with that?”

As I thought about my own experience however, I realized that there is more to it than that and so here is  the view from an older Martian after 30 years in a successful relationship:

The word intimacy usually is a more polite way to say “sex”.  Here is a more inclusive meaning of intimacy - INTO-ME-SEE -  which maybe means “through sex we are able to know each other.”

mars-and-venusAnd that is the gift of an intimate long term committed relationship. You develop  a mirror to each other’s Soul. In simple terms you get to see the Real You and the Real Her reflected  through each other’s eyes on a daily basis. How incredible is that? Maybe women already know this but I know from being a man for almost 80 years that most men don’t know that is even possible.

Think of sex as a door that opens into a room where you will find this gift of discovering each other's Soul.

The difficulty is that Martian DNA  is only about opening as many doors as possible. However, if doors are too easy for a man to open then they will never venture into the room and discover the gift.

Opening the door is easy, finding who you and she is (the Real You) takes a long term committed relationship.

So, in answer to the question of how soon to have sex in a new relationship, it is and always was totally up to the individuals involved and hopefully after reading this you are able to make a decision that comes from a higher consciousness.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Self Awareness - the Way to See Your Personal Development Progress

Self Awareness

Just want to say a word about my journey. I see through my own self awareness that I have come such a long way. I noticed this when observing my reactions with clients calling or not calling. When it comes to wondering if someone will actually call to become my client when they say they are going to.

I used to fret and worry and take their calling - or not - very personally. I was sure it was a rejection of me. My mind got very loud and plugged into old self esteem issues.

I see how much better my reaction is now. Through my own growth and self awareness I know my own strengths and gifts.  I do know what I give my clients and what benefits they gain. My mind tries to go back to my old ways, like a tongue with a space where a tooth used to be, but it’s little and light compared to the past.

But whether it is a potential client not calling back or my own adult child not liking something I am or am not doing, I am grateful for my progress. I am self aware and I see a peaceful and growing woman.