Thursday, January 29, 2015

Breadcrumbs from the Universe

hansel-and-gretel--large-msg-134188627951Remember in the fairy tale about Hansel and Gretel how they found their home away from the evil witch by following the breadcrumbs they had dropped so they wouldn't get lost? That's how I always picture what happens in my life if I PAY ATTENTION and can get through whatever the emotional upset is that I am going through to find solutions to my issues.

Here's a very recent example. I am an elder. I will be 71 in a bit over 3 weeks. It's hard for me to believe but my body knows it's so. I've had some annoying symptoms for over two years and I couldn't figure out what they were at all. Not having the usual backache as a symptom never clued me in on the spinal issues that it has turned out to be.

My immediate reaction was fear and jumping around from one way to deal with it then to another but finally the dust settled inside myself and I have really been able to pay attention. Here's what happened.

  • First I was looking at my Kindle app on my phone when a little whisper of a thought popped into my head "search for back books". So I did. I downloaded some sample chapters and the 3rd one was a book about what's called Foundation Training. You can go read about if you are interested but it was exactly what seemed to work for me or at least it was a start but there seemed to still be more needed. I searched on their site and found someone local who had been trained by them and had some email back and forth and was planning to have an appt or two with him to make sure I was doing the exercises correctly when the following happened.

  • As I was coming out of a local health store, I saw this sign on this car. I had seen it around town before and meant to look at the site but since I didn't know I really had these issues, I never remembered. This time I took a picture, looked at the site, called and made my first appt and this man is a gentle genius who is definitely helping me.

  • And here's what let's me know that I have followed the correct breadcrumbs for me - last night I got an email from the local Foundation Training guy that he spoke to Gadi last week and is meeting with him this week - all independent of my intervention.
So I'm curious how you notice the breadcrumbs dropped by the Universe for you. If you have a story that shows how that happens, please share in the comment section.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Thursday, January 22, 2015

How to Improve Self Esteem

repetitionYou may repeat the same patterns over and over in your life and never realize that you end up in these situations because you don't feel that you are worthy of something better. For example, several of my clients continue to have relationship partners who do not treat them the way ought to be treated. These women are controlled and disrespected.

Once you discover that your self esteem may be lacking, it might seem like it is too late to change - but that is far from the truth.  Self esteem programs are never too late to start.

Low self esteem leads to negative thinking about yourself and negative thinking about others - to make yourself feel better than them and, therefore, make yourself feel better about yourself - the proverbial vicious cycle . The negative thinking feeds off of your lack of self worth and continues to throw more negatives at you, until you make the decision to let go of the negative and find the positive.

Here is one simple self esteem exercise. Start watching your thoughts. Simply observe them. When you notice that you have a negative thought about yourself, observe it and replace it with the truth about yourself. For example, you may think, "There I go again! I never get it right!"
  1. Now you notice that you had that thought.
  2. Try not to then follow that with a judgment about your negative thoughts,
  3. Now replace it by saying to yourself: "Sometimes I don't get it right and sometimes I do."
Now you try it.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Monday, January 19, 2015

How Do Life Coaches Deal with Feelings and Emotions?

This Is What I Do

As I've said many times, each life coach is different. So I can only speak for myself. This morning was a perfect example of how I, as a life coach, interact with clients emotions and feelings. I have a 67-year-old client who, from my perspective, is a bit afraid of her feelings. Because of that, she almost always decides that her anger is not ok. This, of course, affects her relationships profoundly. She has been married four times. And currently is in a committed relationship which seems to be much better than any she's had before. Her partner is willing to grow along with her and is open to change also. He appears truly to love her and want her to be happy.

So they have some things going on that have given her the opportunity to become angry. Things that have to do with money, control and remodeling a kitchen. Last week she was so full of feelings and emotions that she was ready to sleep in another room or leave the relationship. This week she reported having had the conversations with him that she needed to have herself be seen and heard.

Now I'm fine with whatever she does. As you know I try to have NOAGNDA with my clients but they pay me to say the hard stuff and many times to offer my knowledge, wisdom and know-how with the challenges they experience in their lives.

My experience with emotions and feelings is this. In my household growing up, I pretty much was allowed happy and sad. The two incidents my mother told me about often were when I was two and four. When I was two I apparently kept spitting cereal at her so she dumped the bowl on my head. When I was four I spit again and she washed my mouth out with soap. So the environment wasn't too open to my expressing anger. Well, when a child is hampered from expressing feelings, what happens is they lose their inborn emotional intelligence. Because that happened to me, many things came to pass in my life that forced me to finally pursue reeducating myself on feelings - both intellectually and by allowing myself to process the old ones. That's another story but I have a lot of experience and am now thought of as an expert in emotional intelligence by my husband.

So this is part of the education that often happens with clients. When we talk about emotions and feelings, I teach what I know and offer tools I've learned or developed.

That's pretty much how this life coach interacts with clients about emotions and feelings.

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Journal Prompts - A Yes/No Exercise

telephone-06I’ve always been big on giving my clients journal prompts because there is something inside themselves that wants to come out. As their guide on this part of their personal growth journey, sometimes I can see what the correct journal prompts would be for them to help them uncover what’s wanting to come to their awareness. Following is an example of one of those journal prompts I assigned to a client:

Thanks for the little journal prompts exercise on yes/no.  I have done this one before, but your twist to fold the page in half, do the “no” side first, and then the “yes” side, without seeing the “no” side, was a little different.  When I did it, I had the page open and allowed myself to “respond” to each negative or positive statement as I was writing.  The value of the way you suggest is that you don’t make excuses, you write down the negatives as a total list, and then you go to the positives, which may or may not be about each point on the other list.  Of course, with both versions of the yes/no exercise, one writes down immediately “what I know right now” because it is usually quite clear, and sometimes even while only beginning the (first) negative list, what the outcome will be.

Here are mine:

On being a minister - "The road to hell is paved with good intentions!"  I have paved a path which has taken me somewhere I don't want to be.  I could use [my husband] as an excuse, but the bottom line is if I really wanted to do it, his wants would not be a factor - I would respect him and also do what I wanted.  Instead, I feel pulled, and want to put the "blame" on him - I don't want to do it, either, but feel obligated.  This is not what I thought it would be like.  I don't want to do it, and need a way to exit gracefully.

On being a life coach - What I know right now is that I have a few fears around coaching which don't "hold water".  I'm not getting paid as a minister, so why do I worry about getting clients? They come, or not.  They see the value, or not.  We're all free here.   If they want to be coached, they pay.  It doesn't have to be a long-term relationship.  What are their goals?  Let's get in and get it done.  I mean that - sounds like Dave Buck!  I know more than I am usually willing to admit.  I'm not perfect - I've made mistakes, and I've come through them to the happy, sane, pleasant, fulfilling life I'm living now.  I will always be a learner and a seeker, and I am willing and ready to engage in coaching in order to share this with others.

Again, Maia, I am eternally grateful.  Thank you!

Anita Marbois

Isn’t it lovely to have a job where a few journal prompts brings such awareness and such lovely gratitude?

YOU University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

How to Get More from the Law of Attraction

They Never Tell You This Part

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 6.39.29 AMThe more we can learn about the Law of Attraction the more we can apply it to our lives.  It seems their are parts of the law that most people don't explain.

Someone in my life has had almost lifelong issues with asking for what he wants which sometimes translates into lots of fear around standing up for what he knows is right. Since he too has a Life Is a School attitude, he uses his well-developed Observer to watch himself go through the fear and ineffective thoughts, feelings and behaviors when something like car trouble comes up.

He has a manufacturer warranty, a warranty from the local car place he bought the car from and additionally he bought a 4-year warranty to add onto all of that. Last week the car broke down and he has not had the use of it for a week.

After he went through all the thoughts and judgments and feelings about being a lousy car chooser (when he loves his reputation as a great researcher and knower about cars) he was up against his fear of standing up for what he wants - one of the three companies to get on the stick and get the car fixed for him.

This morning he continued his work on changing his thoughts and feelings about all of this - determined to overcome his reticence and this is what happened:
  • He went to work and immediately ran into a former attorney he knows who told him how to take the case to small claims court if need be

  • He called the local dealer where the car is and found out the process for repair has begun and he should have the car by tomorrow!

  • Conclusions : he created a different outcome by working on his thoughts and feelings and his Observer was able to help him with that.

So what's the part that few people talk about when they teach Law of Attraction?

  1. your thoughts create your feelings and

  2. your feelings create your vibration and your creations will match your vibration but

  3. they never seem to tell you about the Life Is a School attitude which helps you create more and more expanded awareness. It helps you become aware of the objective Observer that lives in our consciousness which allows you to stay out of denial and let's you know how you are creating.
 You University Coaching/Life Coach Training and Life Coaching